Notes from the Manager
Related Strips: #423: Refresher Course; #424: Simply Irresistible; #425: A Christmas Miracle; #467: Winners and Losers
Sorry, I was late! I was busy getting the Chapter 5 HD Edition eBook ready for the store yesterday and ran out of time. Of course, that means the Chapter 5 HD Edition eBook is ready and available at the store! The free Online Edition will be up in the next few days.
Chapter 5 contains strips 81–102 (from August 2006 through November 2006), as well as six bonus comics strips not found in the Multiplex archives!
(Kickstarter backers, check your e-mailz or pop over the Kickstarter Project Updates page for your coupon code.)
This also means that the Multiplex: Book 1 collection is that much closer to going to press. I've still got the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith-centered storyline (about 8–10 pages), which will probably take me a good three weeks, and there's also the cover illustration and a few other illustrations left, so I'm looking at a good 4–6 weeks or so until I can send files to the printer.
The good thing is, despite the delays in finishing the book (I'm already over a month past my original target date, unfortunately — but again, it's not that I'm slacking; it's that my estimate for how long it'd take me to do all the new material was entirely too optimistic), I'm looking at a couple of printers in the US and Canada rather than China, which will make up for that lost time — so the book should still be on track for the same August availability I've been saying since… well, since the Kickstarter project started.
As always, I'll keep you posted!
OH! And I almost forgot: if you're in the Chicago area, I will be at the "Webcomics + Wine Event" at Third Coast Comics TOMORROW — Friday, May 7th — signing… um… whatever you've got for me to scribble on. I'll also do sketches and have a few small prints and mini-posters or whatever, since it's not like I have a book yet. (I sold out of the print editions of Chapter 1 at C2E2, sorry.)
Me, Lauren Burke and Greg Sorkin of P.I. Jane, and Tony Maldonado of both P.I. Jane and Chicago: 1968 will all be in attendance, talkin' comics, shooting shit, drinking wine, and apparently eating cupcakes, as well? This last part was news to me, but hey, who doesn't like cupcakes?
(P.I. Jane and Chicago: 1968 are both great, great comics, by the way. Check them out.)

Multiplex 10 is here!
Although Multiplex 10 has ended, an animated prequel/reboot called Multiplex 10 was funded through Kickstarter in 2017 and is NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase on Vimeo On Demand, Amazon Video, and elsewhere! And an all-new, irregularly-updated Multiplex 10 web series (set after the short film) recently launched on YouTube! Learn more about the web series on the official Multiplex 10 website!