Notes from the Manager
Related Strips: #232: Blind Faith; #430: Three Years Later
The news broke at Latino Review yesterday that David Goyer was signed by Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. to write the Christopher Nolan-"mentored" Superman film, apparently to be called The Man of Steel, or possibly Superman: The Man of Steel.
It is supposedly drawing some form of inspiration from the John Byrne mini-series of the same name (a reboot of Superman in its own right), likely in its depiction of Lex Luthor more than anything else. Most crucially, it is not an origin story.
While Legendary head honcho Thomas Tull quickly told AICN that the news was a little blown out of proporition — that they're not quite at the script stage yet, IGN later claimed an exclusive (albeit from unnamed "reliable" sources) that Tull was "downplaying" the news, and that not only was Goyer actually on board, but Jonathan Nolan – the co-writer (and brother) with Christopher Nolan of The Dark Knight — was, as well.
Got all that?
The last bit was very late in the day and hasn't yet floated around the internet (I'm a little doubtful of it, myself — AICN's source is the only definitely credible source, so we don't really know much more than we did two weeks ago: Christopher Nolan has some ideas for it. Nothing!
EDIT: Apparently, DC Entertainment President Diane Nelson has debunked even Chris Nolan's involvement, telling MTV News, "We don't have any plans about that, and as I've mentioned, in the coming months we'll be making a lot of announcements about what our content plans will be. But right now, that's nothing but rumor — and we frankly don't say a whole lot more about rumor than that, so..."

Multiplex 10 is here!
Although Multiplex 10 has ended, an animated prequel/reboot called Multiplex 10 was funded through Kickstarter in 2017 and is NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase on Vimeo On Demand, Amazon Video, and elsewhere! And an all-new, irregularly-updated Multiplex 10 web series (set after the short film) recently launched on YouTube! Learn more about the web series on the official Multiplex 10 website!