Notes from the Manager
Alternate title (which was too long to use): "As If Millions of Cells Suddenly Cried Out in Terror and Were Suddenly Silenced." I was tempted to do something related to Captain America instead (because it's #616! heh) but decided against it.
As you're reading this, I'm back (or on my way back) to Minneapolis after a long weekend at the Chicago Comic Con. Thanks to everyone who came out to visit me and Tom in Artist's Alley! I'm sure it was an awesome show, but I'm writing this before I've even left for the con, so I don't really know yet.
The next con I'll be attending is the first Webcomics Con in Norwalk, Conn., on October 1–2, so if you're in New England, check that out. Other webcomics superstars (besides me) who will be there include T Campbell (The Guilded Age), Chris Hastings (Dr. McNinja), Scott Christian Sava (Dreamland Chronicles), and Greg Dean (Real Life) — so it should be pretty great.
I'm not sure what the update schedule will be like this week — two, at least. But possibly three, since I have to catch up from the move. Come back on Wednesday or Thursday or both or whatever. Or just keep your eyes peeled on the RSS feed, I guess.
UPDATE: I'm actually back from Chicago now, and it was a terrific show. Thanks again (for real this time) to everyone who came to see me, everyone who just happened to see me, and everyone else. If you're new to Multiplex, I strongly recommend starting from the beginning — or at least from the beginning of Book 5.
Oh, and the movie they're watching, in case you didn't know, is The Change-Up, starring Ryan Reynolds and Jason Bateman. It's been getting pretty dismal reviews, although audiences seem to be enjoying it more than critics. (Which is pretty normal for that kind of comedy.)
I've got some moving-related headaches to deal with today, but should be back on track with updates now. Thanks again to everybody who provided a guest strip over the last two weeks. I think we've seen the last of them for now; I'll try to get those added to the Guest Strips section of the site as soon as possible. Until then, you can always access them via the calendar in the left sidebar of the site.

Multiplex 10 is here!
Although Multiplex 10 has ended, an animated prequel/reboot called Multiplex 10 was funded through Kickstarter in 2017 and is NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase on Vimeo On Demand, Amazon Video, and elsewhere! And an all-new, irregularly-updated Multiplex 10 web series (set after the short film) recently launched on YouTube! Learn more about the web series on the official Multiplex 10 website!