Notes from the Manager
Related Strips: #582: Gateway to Horror; #583: Creatures’ Features
(Yes, this strip is named after the Men at Work song.)
The Haunting (1963, directed by Robert Wise) is the first of many film adaptations of Shirley Jackson's novella "The Haunting of Hill House." The film — despite its G rating, early-sixties timeframe and nearly nonexistent special effects — is indeed super creepy. In fact, Martin Scorsese placed it in his "11 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time" list for The Daily Beast. (It was at the top of the list, but I'm not 100% sure it was an ordered list.)
I watched it on Amazon Streaming, incidentally, and highly recommend it.
There are a couple of hints as to what movie #2 in tonight's double feature might be in this strip, but I ain't telling until Monday.
By the way! If you live in the Detroit area (or close enough), I will be at Penguicon this weekend (Friday 4/29–Sunday 5/1), in the Dealer Room somewhere or another. (I'll also be on a couple of panels: "Marketing Your Comic" at noon on Saturday in Ballroom B and "Balancing Comedy and Drama in a Webcomic" at 5pm on Saturday in Ballroom G.) I will, naturally, have copies of the book with me, and I'll be doing sketches and such-like, as well.

Multiplex 10 is here!
Although Multiplex 10 has ended, an animated prequel/reboot called Multiplex 10 was funded through Kickstarter in 2017 and is NOW AVAILABLE for rent or purchase on Vimeo On Demand, Amazon Video, and elsewhere! And an all-new, irregularly-updated Multiplex 10 web series (set after the short film) recently launched on YouTube! Learn more about the web series on the official Multiplex 10 website!